Friday, July 18, 2008

Bill's Bio

In the fifth grade, the art teacher gave each of us a small mirror and told us to do a drawing of ourselves. She gave me an A+ which I proudly showed my parents. My dad promptly went to the drug store and bought a tablet and a small set of colored pencils and encouraged me to draw. I began copying Red Ryder comic books and could hardly wait until the next issue came out. It wasn't long before I spread my wings and began to explore painting. That was over a half a century ago and the journey continues as I learn new truths each time I make new marks on paper or strokes on canvas.

My formal art education was acquired from Arizona State University. After graduating with a minor in fine art I continued to expand my artistic skills and insights through workshops and private study with such notable artists as Don Ruffin, Jay Datus, Mary Beth McKenzie, James Boren, Ina May Moore, Burton Silverman, William Whitaker, Eric Weigart and Sherrie McGraw. My informal education was less exciting consisting of doing countless numbers of drawings and paintings many of which were, quite frankly, very bad. Experience will always be the best teacher.

Since I work in oils, watercolors, pastels and all the implements of drawing, I am often asked which medium I prefer. I am always at a loss in my response because I really have no particular preference. It is whatever is at hand at the time. It's the journey I look forward to and not the vehicle that will get me to my destination. Drawing and watercolor can get me to an excited high in 20 minutes whereas with oil painting the experience can last much longer.

I am a third generation native of Arizona having been born in Tucson a long time ago. Arizona is my home and the source of much of my artistic inspiration. When I am not at an easel I like to explore the backroads of my state and gather in the true nature of its beauty. Its people, places, flora, fauna and artifacts have often been used as subjects of my artwork.

I live with my wife in Scottsdale, Arizona.  Twenty three years ago I decided to share my art experiences with others and began teaching.  I taught oil painting and basic drawing at the Scottsdale Artists' School for over 20 years.   I currently own and operate Working Artists Studio ( at 7745 E. Gelding in Scottsdale, Arizona, where I teach classes in various mediums (see Classes).  As part of the studio service we make three artists studios available to rent.  My work is in private collections worldwide and corporate collections including Wells Fargo Bank, Giant Industries and Kansas State University.

For more details of my life history please go to the category "Recollections" (still under construction).

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